Vascular plants in Danish coastal meadows

最新版本 published by Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen on 3月 1, 2018 Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen

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Occurrence dataset created by emeritus Associate Professor Peter Vestergaard and published by Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. In Danish waters, a gradient in seawater salinity between the brackish Baltic Sea and the salt North Sea exists. Along protected, low-energy parts of the adjacent coasts, coastal meadows (salt marshes), influenced by seawater of varying salinity, is a common type of nature. During the 1980s, the vegetation ecology of these salt and brackish coastal meadows was studied in the southeastern part of Denmark by Peter Vestergaard. For the study, 20 localities (loc. 1-20) were selected. The field work was carried out 1982-1985. In each locality, a number of compartments, each with a uniform plant cover, were selected and mapped. In total, 262 compartments (comp.1-262) were studied. The abundance of each species was estimated according to a 1-7 ordinal scale of cover-abundance. The dataset contains URLs for online images of maps with localities and selected examples of the habitats studied.


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Vestergaard P (2015): Vascular plants in Danish coastal meadows. v1.6. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. Dataset/Occurrence.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: f1277dd4-84c5-4e84-b300-d5a7ac3c1edd。  Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen 發佈此資源,並經由DanBIF - Danish Biodiversity Information Facility同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; Observation; Cover-abundance of plants; Coastal salt meadow plant species; Salt marsh; Coastal reed swamp; Coastal grassland


Peter Vestergaard
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Emeritus Associate Professor
University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology
Isabel Calabuig
  • 元數據提供者
  • 使用者
Node manager & Data curator
DanBIF - Danish Participant node of GBIF



界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [54.43, 7.8], 緯度北界 經度東界 [57.84, 15.49]



Superphylum Tracheophyta (Vascular Plants)


起始日期 / 結束日期 1982-01-01 / 1985-12-31


In each compartment 1) species composition was recorded, using a 1-7 ordinal scale of cover-abundance (, for later multivariate analysis, 2) elevation was levelled in relation to mean water level, 3) soil samples were taken for later analysis of physical and chemical soil factors, 4) Human utilization was observed and later investigated in more details by interviews with present and former landowners, 5) a photo was taken, 6) GPS coordinates were later obtained using Google Earth.

研究範圍 During the 1980s, the vegetation ecology of these salt and brackish coastal meadows was studied in the southeastern part of Denmark. For the study, 20 localities (loc. 1-20) were selected. The field work was carried out 1982-1985. In each locality, a number of compartments, each with a uniform plant cover, were selected and mapped. In total, 262 compartments (comp.1-262) were studied.
品質控管 See cited publications.


  1. See Vestergaard, P. 1998. Vegetation Ecology of Coastal meadows in Southeastern Denmark. Opera Botanica 134: 1-69. Vestergaard, P. 2002. Studies in vegetation and soil of coastal meadows in Denmark. A conspectus of previous studies. DSc thesis, Dept. of Botany, University of Copenhagen.


  1. Vestergaard, P. 1998. Vegetation Ecology of Coastal meadows in Southeastern Denmark. Opera Botanica 134: 1-69. ISBN: 87-88702-62-6
  2. Vestergaard, P. 2002. Studies in vegetation and soil of coastal meadows in Denmark. A conspectus of previous studies. DSc thesis, Dept. of Botany, University of Copenhagen. ISBN 87-987317-3-4 ISBN 87-987317-3-4


替代的識別碼 f1277dd4-84c5-4e84-b300-d5a7ac3c1edd